Samoas vs. Coconut Dreams

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February 24, 2013 by cookingtofeel

Samoas and Coconut Dreams

Keebler has a line of cookies that taste and look like Girl Scout cookies and pretty much are Girl Scout cookies, delighting Girl Scout cookie lovers who wish they could eat Girl Scout cookies any time of the year (like me).  Coconut Dreams and Grasshopper Cookies mimic Samoas and Thin Mints, respectively.

Now, I love Girl Scout cookies; I’m not advocating that people shouldn’t buy Girl Scout cookies. I’m just comparing the tastes and looks and showing people that you can have faux-Samoas year-round.

Anyway, I conducted a taste test with each of these brands. I had my family sit in a different room while I prepared the cookies (I took each cookie, placed them on separate plates, and placed those plates on spots labeled “Cookie A” and “Cookie B”) and then called them in separately, recorded which cookie they liked best, and repeated the process. I kept the cookie letters the same.

Now, for the results. With a vote of 3-1 (including my vote; my sister went through the same process with me, except switching up the letters and plates the Samoas were on), Samoas won! This is a mighty small test group, so the results might not be indicative of the actual population.

The main differences my family found between the two cookies are looks, the actual cookie part, and the chocolate. The Keebler Coconut Dreams were rounder and had less coconut covering them. They also had a lighter chocolate, which also contributed to the differing taste in chocolate drizzles. The cookie in the Coconut Dreams was crunchier than that of the Samoas, something my family was a fan of.

The Coconut Dreams are also a better option for making recipes that include using Samoas. The Keebler brand is cheaper and more accessible, which would be great for making caramel and coconut cookie sundaes, bars, cakes, cookies, and anything else!

Both brands are great, but nothing beats the original Girl Scout caramel and coconut cookie! But if I’m ever craving the cookies out of Girl Scout cookie season, the first thing I’ll do is to pick up some of the Coconut Dreams!

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