Baked Sunday Mornings-Peanut Butter Chocolate Whirligigs


March 30, 2014 by cookingtofeel

Peanut Butter Chocolate Whirligigs

This week’s Baked Sunday Mornings recipe was perfect for me. Peanut butter and chocolate? What could be better? I actually made these in December, though. I decided to surprise Riley at school for her 16th birthday with some homemade cookies for her and her friends, and I thought these would be perfect for her!

I decided to split this recipe up into two days, since I wasn’t really crunched on time. I made the homemade peanut butter (the recipe is in the book and is so worth making!) and the dough on day one, and made the chocolate filling and baked the cookies on day two.

The dough wasn’t hard at all to make and mixed up nicely. It also tasted perfectly peanut butter-y, kind of reminiscent of a sweeter Reese’s filling. The dough has to be refrigerated for at least 3 hours, but I refrigerated mine for a little under 24 hours, the max, since I broke up the recipe into two days.

The next day, I made the chocolate mixture and rolled the dough into logs. I must have skipped over a paragraph when I was reading the recipe a few days before, since the logs are supposed to chill for at least 3 hours. Now, this usually isn’t a problem, but I had to deliver the cookies to my sister at school for her birthday in two hours. So, I just chilled the logs for 1-1/2 hours and hoped for the best. And you know what, they turned out great! Maybe my fridge has super chilling powers or the odds were in my favor, but these whirligigs looked great!

I delivered them to my sister and she and her friends loved them–what a great birthday surprise! And, since I ended up baking a little over four dozen cookies (way more than the yield!), I had enough to give to my mom for a cookie swap she had the following weekend! All in all, these Peanut Butter Chocolate Whirligigs were a winner–both in taste and simplicity!

Check out the other Baked Sunday Mornings posts here!

Keep baking!

Recipe from Baked Elements: Our 10 Favorite Ingredients by Matt Lewis and Renato Poliafito.

6 thoughts on “Baked Sunday Mornings-Peanut Butter Chocolate Whirligigs

  1. sophiebowns says:


  2. cloudthyme says:

    So delicious! These look wonderful.

  3. Byn says:

    Good call splitting up the recipe over a couple of days! I found the whole thing to take too long with the rolling and chilling. Still delicious cookies though!

  4. SandraM says:

    What a great birthday surprise! These were such good cookies!

  5. Jen says:

    I put the logs in the freezer for an hour and a half. I almost never chill in the fridge, I’m too impatient!!!

  6. Aww, what a sweet gift for your sister! I’m glad everyone liked them– they are a bit of a labor of love. I was short on time too, so I chilled my logs in the freezer for two hours, and that worked perfectly. Nice job, Maddie! 🙂

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