Baked Sunday Mornings: Banana Caramel Pudding with Meringue Topping


July 20, 2014 by cookingtofeel

Banana Caramel Pudding with Meringue Topping

There’s nothing better for large parties than a dish that can easily be devoured by your crowd. And what better dessert for the neighborhood Father’s Day party I attended in June than Baked’s Banana Caramel Pudding with Meringue Topping? I made this in a large 9×15 dish so that people could easily scoop out perfect portions. And while I expected having some leftovers, everyone loved this dessert so much that I only had a small portion left for my sister after she returned from Europe the next day! I got rave reviews of this recipe and I must say that it is one of my favorite Baked dishes I’ve made.

While this recipe seems easy, the caramel pudding was a bit involved and took some time and effort to make. But this was definitely a labor of love because the homemade pudding really completed the dish and made everyone love it! I really have no complaints or substitutions for this recipe (surprisingly!) and recommend following the recipe exactly to get the best result! This is also a perfect summertime dessert, since there’s only a bit of time involving the oven! 

Also, I apologize for the poor quality pictures, but I had to quickly snap a photo before everyone dove into it! 

Check out the other Baked Sunday Mornings posts here!

Keep baking! 

Recipe from Baked Elements: Our 10 Favorite Ingredients by Matt Lewis and Renato Poliafito.

2 thoughts on “Baked Sunday Mornings: Banana Caramel Pudding with Meringue Topping

  1. Nice job, Maddie! I’m glad everyone loved it. 🙂

  2. SandraM says:

    Great idea making it in one big dish. Nice that you got to share it with everyone.

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